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A Cat named Jimmy
Henry Ford once said: “If you think you can or you think you can’t-you’re right.” What we think and believe creates the world we experience. Please bear this in mind when you read the rest of this article!
We know our beliefs about ourselves, our immediate family and the world in general are shaped by our parents, our siblings, school, community, religion, and increasingly the media. What is less known is how incredibly powerful these beliefs are in relation to health.
Animals, as we all know have intelligence far beyond the way they are portrayed. Few animals died during the appalling Asian tsunami, as they instinctively ‘knew’ it was about the happen, and went into the hills.
The proven power of the cat purrs in healing was one of the reasons my business partner and I, Jeff Moran created the music CD’s ‘Purrfect Symphony’ and ‘Relax With Cats.’ The frequency of the ‘felid purr’ heals cats of all kinds of conditions, and I know in years to come, the scientific community will wake up to its power to heal people.
Everything that exists has a measurable frequency. When a cat is injured and it licks the injury whilst purring, the frequency of the purr is a major element of the healing. In fact the totality of the healing is the combination of frequencies brought to bear on the injury by the vibration of chemical and electrical elements in the cat’s system, and any drugs prescribed by a vet.
Domestic animals ‘take on’ characteristics of those who keep them. We have all seen dogs that look and even act like their owners.
Chicken or egg, wherein lies the greatest influence? There is a fine balance between the keeper who resonates serenely with his or her cat, and the neurotic one whose cat climbs the walls.
My wife Anne [who is a Spiritual healer] and I spent nearly two years at a place which would be regarded by most people as a small paradise. However, three psychics told us about the heavy, negative energies which ran through it, and we actually had it exorcised [which made a massive difference].
One of the psychics, an animal communicator, told us that our cat Ch’Bee absorbed many of the [negative] energies, and shielded us from them. Far fetched? To some. What was not in dispute is that Ch’Bee was diagnosed with cancer a few months after we moved in, and given a few weeks to live by our vet. Anne continually healed her, and Ch’Bee lived for another 18 months, despite having a swollen abdomen. She never appeared to be in any kind of pain.
What is common to both Spiritual healing and Theta healing is that to practitioners they both emanate from the same source, i.e. God, the Creator, or the Universe [whatever term suits your beliefs].
I am a psychotherapist; I feel I have the power of the universe with me when helping troubled clients. No matter what the client brings I share with Anne the belief [it is not a belief, but a knowing] we are agents of the Creator/God/the Universe/the Divine.
Anne has helped prolong the life of two other cats, and also helped dogs and other animals. Often, animals [and guess what, people too] are brought to healers as a last resort, and the animal has already decided to move on.
Many people hang on to life for their families, and their families have not wanted them to die. The combination of these forces has kept people alive beyond their ‘time.’ It is self-evident the same applies to pets.
We have both been trained in Theta Healing, discovered about 10 years ago in the USA. When people access the Theta brain wave state [others are alpha, beta, gamma and delta-this is routine scientific fact], we have direct communion with the Divine.
Is this impossible or impertinent? Again, to some. Fair enough. But however you react to the last paragraph; it is your beliefs that create your reaction.
The Theta healer, when healing animals, taps into the most powerful force in the universe. If the animal can be saved, it is.
What matters most, the life of your pet, or your prejudices?
In closing, Anne has just been trained to ‘read’ the body [Intuitive Anatomy] by a conventionally trained medical doctor, who is a Theta healer herself..,.
This stuff works, we can prove it. Look upon it as your gateway to attainable miracles.
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